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Connect Stripe to Social Sync

This will allow you to receive donations via our branded fundraising pages

Stuart Frank avatar
Written by Stuart Frank
Updated over 4 months ago

Stripe is a well known online payment processor. Integrating your Social Sync account with Stripe will let you use our nonprofit branded fundraising pages to collect donations.

Social Sync uses Stripe's Connect platform to make the setup of payment processing relatively straightforward. All the underlying payment technology and compliance is handled by Stripe.

For this reason, setting up Stripe does involve some regulatory processes to prove that your nonprofit status, the identity of key decision makes and connect your organisation's bank account. Stripe's own onboarding processes will handle this, and they generally take a frictionless approach, letting you take payments with as little hassle as possible and will defer asking for information until its absolutely necessary.

How to set it up?

The Stripe integration needs to be completed by somebody who is:

A: an administrator of your existing Stripe account,
B: authorised to set up a new payment provider in the case that you don't already have a Stripe account.

In either case you'll need to be able to either provide some regulatory info or confirm the existing regulatory info attached to he account.

Please also note that the walkthrough steps below are indicative of the process. Stripe may make minor changes to this onboarding flow at any time. If the order of things aren't as presented below or you get stuck at any point in the process, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Step 1: To get started with the setup, first go to Settings > Integrations in Social Sync and click the Connect button on the Stripe integration:

Step 2: Next you'll see a login screen where you can either log into your organisation's existing Stripe account or choose to create a new one from scratch. Stripe will detect the email address you enter here and either direct you towards an existing account (see step 3a) or ask you to create a new one (see 3b) if the email address is not recognised.

Step 3a: Assuming you have a Stripe account already you will be able to continue with the onboarding flow and choose your organisation from the list provided.

After this screen you'll need to confirm your existing details are still accurate, agree to Stripe's terms of service and complete the onboarding steps. You'll then be redirected back to Social Sync and the integration is complete.

Step 3b: If you don't have a Stripe account then you'll need to create one. The onboarding flow will be slightly different for new account creations, and will look something like the following:

You'll need to provide info including your organisations legal name, address, tax status, website, etc... The exact information required differs from one country to the next. Simply complete each question with your info and hopefully you'll be able to complete the account creation process without too much hassle.

Once the onboarding is complete you'll be redirected back to Social Sync.

Setting up your receipts

You have the option to set up a receipting process in Stripe, or directly through Social Sync to give you that added bit of control.

Simply head to your Branding page via your Settings. Scroll down and turn on the Email Receipts toggle.

Note: If you decide to set up your receipting process through Social Sync, be sure to disable your receipting process on Stripe!

Once this feature has been enabled, you can input your legal details, receipt subject line and email copy.

Note: Your legal details need to be completed for any non-UK organisations. If you are a UK-based organisation, you can leave this field empty.

You also have the option to add dynamic fields so that your receipt is personalised to each supporter!

Stripe Integration FAQs

1. Who are Stripe? Can i trust them?

Stripe is a trusted financial technology company providing online payment processing services since 2010. It serves millions of businesses and 1000s of charities globally, offering solutions for online payments, subscription billing, and platform payments.

Stripe has built a solid reputation in the fintech industry for its reliability, security, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Here are some factors that contribute to Stripe's trustworthiness

  1. Security: Stripe prioritises security, adhering to PCI DSS compliance standards and employing encryption and fraud prevention measures to protect payment data.

  2. Reliability: With high uptime rates, Stripe ensures consistent payment processing, minimizing disruptions.

  3. Transparency: Stripe provides clear pricing, policies, and documentation, enabling businesses to understand fees and processing timelines upfront.

2. Why is a new Stripe account being created when I try and integrate Stripe (I cannot connect existing Stripe account)

It is a Stripe requirement that Stripe Connect platforms, like ours, necessitate the creation of a distinct Stripe account dedicated solely to transactions related to that Stripe Connect service.

During the onboarding process, you won’t be linking to an existing Stripe account. Rather, Stripe establishes a new sub-account within your login, specifically designed for the Stripe Connect service, i.e. Social Sync.

This means that all transactions associated with Social Sync are processed through this new sub-account within your Stripe login, ensuring clear separation. If you were to integrate another Stripe Connect platform into your dashboard, it would function in the same way, provided they adhere to Stripe’s current guidelines. For more information, we recommend reaching out directly to Stripe.

3. I received an email from Stripe asking for further information about my account/organisation. Is this email real?

In certain countries, Stripe is required to collect, verify and maintain information about a company's beneficial owners and directors. These requirements come from government regulators and help promote transparency and prevent financial crimes.

Some of these requirements (e.g. information to protect against fraud and keep your account current with global Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations), may not be enforced when connecting your Stripe account. Instead the additional info will become a requirement only once your account reaches a certain threshold volume of transactions.

In these cases, Stripe will proactively get in touch with you directly to collect the required information. Its important to action this promptly as if you cannot update your account information by the deadline, payouts to your bank account and your ability to accept payments will be paused.

Fortunately, it should take less than five minutes to update your information. If you need help, you can get in touch directly with Stripe Support.

4. How can i view my transactions from Social Sync in Stripe?

As explained above, all Social Sync transactions are separated into a sub-account of your main Stripe account. You can use the account switcher in the top left of the Stripe dashboard to view the account containing transactions from Social Sync.

5. Our stripe account is setup and we are seeing donations however my team is unable to view the data?

As mentioned above, Social Sync transactions will flow into a child account of your main Stripe account. Only some user roles have access to data from "connected accounts"

This article has more info on Stripe's user roles and permissions and they are very granular. "Support Associate" and "Support Specialist" are two roles which do allow a user to view and access connected accounts.

6. How can we identify the transactions coming from Social Sync?

We send unique transaction references to Stripe which are shown in the Stripe dashboard in the transaction's description column. Each description follows a fixed format of:

{Your org name}, Charity Number: {your charity number}, Donated to: {donor name}, Type: {Transaction Type}

e.g. World Changers, Charity Number: 123456, Donated to: Joe Bloggs, Type: Donation

This description will also appear on the donation receipts Stripe sends to your donors.

Additional data such as donor name, email, etc... is also sent to Stripe to allow them to verify and process the transactions.

7. Why are my transactions showing as ‘incomplete’ in Stripe?

This is completely normal. Stripe's dashboard shows all payment "intents". Each intent needs to be matched with a valid payment "method" in order to create a valid transaction.

In Social Sync we send payment intent data to Stripe every time a user loads one of your donation forms. We also resend this intent if they choose a payment amount which is different from the default. The intent is again resent when the user adds their email address and finally, when the user adds their card details, and clicks the donate button, a 'succeeded' transaction event is recorded.

Its therefore normal for any successful donation to have this chain of payment intents logged as a donor navigates the donation form. This granular approach to event logging, can also be helpful with debugging any payment bottlenecks.

If you prefer you can filter Stripe's payments table to ignore the 'incomplete' payment events.

8. Does Stripe send donation receipts?

Yes, however it may not be enabled by default. To enable automated receipts, toggle Successful payments on in your Customer emails settings. Receipts are only sent when a successful payment has been made – no receipt is sent if the payment fails or is declined.

To send receipts via Stripe's Dashboard, first find the specific payment you want to send a receipt for. Click Send receipt within the Receipt history section of a Payment details page. To resend an email receipt, input a different email address, or specify a comma-separated list of addresses to send it to several recipients. A record of the last 10 receipts is visible on the payment’s page.

You can also alter the appearance and functionality of Stripe's receipts with the following options:

Branding: Modify the logo and colours in your Branding settings. The upper limit for a custom logo image file size is 512KB. Ideally, the logo should be a square image exceeding 128 x 128 pixels. JPG, PNG, and GIF file types are supported.

Public information: Specify the public information you want to include, such as your contact number or website address, in your Public details settings.

9. What payment methods are supported?

Ultimately you will have control over what payment methods you want to accept via Stripe, however, as standard, Social Sync will let you collect donations via:

  • Debit/Credit card payments

  • Apple Pay

  • Google Pay

The latter may require additional setup inside your stripe account.

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