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Facebook Fundraiser Thanking

High level steps to fast track you to saying thank you

Gareth Jones avatar
Written by Gareth Jones
Updated over 5 months ago

This is your quick start guide to importing your Meta data, finding a supporter then creating and sending your first message in Social Sync.

You will find more detailed information by clicking on each header below.

If you have not yet done so then head over to our Integrations article to see how to connect your Facebook Fundraising and Facebook Charity Reporting Tools.

Once this is done you are ready to import your transaction data from Facebook via csv or API into Social Sync.

This is done from your account Data Hub which you will find here:

The Social Sync Campaigns Dashboard gives you an interactive overview of your Facebook challenges, as well as information and data on your campaigns, birthday and organic fundraisers.

Once in the dashboard click on the Facebook tab to access the main graph, and headline stats on your campaigns.

From the Supporter table at the bottom of the dashboard you will be able to find and message individual fundraisers by following the steps below:

1. Select a Fundraiser

  • Navigate to the Supporter table at the bottom of the screen.

  • Choose a fundraiser that you would like to message.

  • Click on the three dots at the right hand side of your screen.

  • Select Message.

2. Compose Message

A Supporter Record will pop up and you can either:

  • Create a message by free typing in the Message Title and Message Body fields, or

  • Click on the Message Title field to select from a template.

TOP TIP: Using templates means that you can send relevant and personalised messages at different stages of the supporters experience at speed at scale.

Use the three icons at the top of the Message Body editor to insert selected fields from the supporters record such as their first name, access an emoji library and insert forms for data capture.

3. Select Form

Select the purple paper sheet icon to select or create a Facebook form. Depending on the fundraiser type you will find some pre-populated form templates to use or you can create a tailored one to use again by selecting + Create New Form.

4. Send Message

Click on the green Message button at the top of the screen. This will copy your message to your clipboard and open up the supporters Facebook fundraiser where you can copy into a post.

INFO: Facebook policies dont allow us to message directly from Social Sync so we have to do the final part of delivering the message directly in Facebook but we do all the heavy lifting first to make this as easy as possible.

5. Mark Completed

Once done then return to Social Sync and mark as complete from the drop down alongside the green Message button.

Creating Facebook Fundraiser Messages

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Building Facebook Forms

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