The Social Sync Campaigns Dashboard gives you an interactive overview of all of your social media fundraising channels allowing you to really drill down into the data that you want and customise your views.
This article focuses on the Facebook Tab which you will find here:
Main Graph
The main graph allows you to filter by date range and different Facebook income streams to visualise donation patterns and trends.
It also dynamically updates the metrics at the bottom to match your filters for:
Number of fundraisers
Data matched %
Average value
Fundraised total £
Date ranges
Simply click on the date range banner and then select your desired range from the drop down.
You can pick from the regularly used selections on the left, or from the custom calendar view on the right, and your graph will adjust for you to view:
Graph settings
Hover your cursor over 'Graph Settings' and you can toggle the different income sources on or off depending on what you want to your graph to display.
Toggling 'off' will put a strikethrough line over the source you have de-selected as shown with the 'Generic Fundraiser' example below:
Graph Floating Summary
You can also place and move your cursor over the graph itself to plot a specific point on the axis to show you detail in the floating summary box you can see here:
Organic Campaigns Summary
On the right hand side of your Dashboard you will find headline information on your Facebook Organic Campaigns - you'll notice the same main data points shown on your main graph are also shown here by campaign type.
This overview shows annual data but you can click on the '2023' to select past years.
Typically this will show the following Meta campaigns if you have the required Facebook tools switched on:
Birthday Fundraisers
Generic Fundraisers
Other API Integrated Fundraisers
Post Donate Buttons
Page Donate Buttons
Clicking on one of the campaign boxes to drill down into a detailed view of each.
COMING SOON: Clicking into each campaign displays a detailed view and further options. Articles on each of these are on the way and will be linked to from here when they are ready!
Supporter Table
At the bottom of the dashboard you can view a table that shows your Facebook fundraisers.
The view defaults to show the most recently created but you can click on the small arrows alongside the column headers to sort by that field.
If you select the 3 dots alongside a supporter you can find more detail or choose and action to send that person a message:
View opens up the Supporter Modal for detailed information on that individual and their relationship and history with your charity.
Link takes you directly to their Facebook fundraiser page.
Message opens up the Social Sync messaging feature and you can compose new copy or choose from a template to get in touch with this supporter.