At Social Sync, we understand the importance of data accessibility and flexibility for our users. That's why we offer robust data export functionality, allowing you to extract your supporter, fundraiser, transaction and other data for analysis, reporting, and integration with other systems.
In this article, I'll provide an overview of data exports in Social Sync, the various files we provide, and overview of our change management processes around data and signpost to further reading on how to export data, export formats, and best practices for maximizing the value of your exported data.
What exports are available?
The following exports are either available right now, or in development and will be available soon. I have included links to our published data specs for each file that is currently available.
Supporter Export (coming soon)
Audience Export (coming soon)
The following exports are also available but do not include publsihed export specs as their content will be dependent on the fields you enabled.
Form Submissions Export
Lead Forms Export (coming soon)
For background information about each of these exports you may want to read our data glossary.
Do you have sample files available?
Yes, in addition to the above published export specifications, we also have sample files for each export. These are available in the following formats:
Airtable version
Google Sheets version
You can also download CSV sample exports from either of these sources.
Export specification change management
We understand that any changes we make to our exports can cause work downstream for our users e.g. updating column mapping for CRM imports, so we will endeavour to give sufficient notice of any updates so that these changes can be managed effectively.
For any major export changes we will try to give 2-4 weeks notice. These updates will be versioned with a major number increment - e.g. V1.2 to V2.0
For minor export changes we will aim to give 1-2 weeks notice. These updates will be versioned with a minor number increment - e.g. V1.2 to V1.3
For minor export changes where only one export file is updated we will still aim to give 1-2 weeks notice, however we will increment the file version for just this export - e.g. V1.2 to V1.2.1, and this will remain within the overall V1.2 export spec folder.
In rare circumstances we may need to make changes quicker to this, but in these cases we will endeavour to communicate as clearly as possible.
Export versions prior to V1.2 were tracked via another system and are available on request
We also maintain a comprehensive exports changelog. This documents all updates to our exports across 4 areas:
Column updates
Column removals
Column header/label changes
Column reordering
To reduce the frequency of official export updates which may impact on your work, we will sometimes add placeholder columns to an updated export spec. These columns may be blank at the time of the update, but by adding them as placeholders we can begin populating the columns with data at a later date without requiring a complete new update to our export specs. In these cases we will communicate separately when these placeholder columns become active.
How to export data from Social Sync?
There are various ways to export data from Social Sync, and how you choose to do so may relate to your role. The guidelines below are indicative however. Any user can export data in all 3 ways.
Fundraising/events teams. You're more likely to be focused on the performance of specific campaigns, so the campaign dashboard is easiest place to export data. See our guide on How to export campaign data
Data analysis/financial reconciliation team. You're more likely to be interested in downloading data in bulk, either for a specific period (e.g. quarterly donation data) or for an entire campaign for reconciliation purposes. Please see our article on How to export data in bulk
Stewardship/supporter care team. You're may be wanting to export data for a single supporter to understand them better. In addition to the above two ways of exporting data, you may want to Export an single supporter's campaign data.
Additional reading: