Export sample data files can be found here: Airtable, Google Sheet
Version: 2.0 - effective from: 02/10/23
The Exports version change log can be found here.
More info about our Export specs can be found here.
Column | Column Name | Column Description | Type | Data Sample |
A | Transaction ID | Unique Social Sync transaction ID | Number | 235874 |
B | Platform | Transaction source platform: Social Sync, Facebook, Instagram, JustGiving | Single select | |
C | Platform Transaction ID | Unique source platform transaction ID | Short text | 1232713499 |
D | Platform Reference | Additional info for attributing donations across platforms | Short text |
E | Processor | Payment processor; Stripe, PayPal | Single select | PayPal |
F | Processor Transaction ID | Unique payment processor transaction ID | Short text |
G | Processor Reference | Additional info for identifying transactions across platforms | Short text |
H | Transaction Type | Transaction type; Sponsorship, Donation, Ticket, Purchase | Single select | Sponsorship |
I | Frequency | How frequently does this transaction occur: Single, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual | Single Select | Monthly |
J | Source ID | Creation source ID, where source type=”form” | Number | 119 |
K | Source Type | Creation source type. e.g. Form | API | Manual | Transaction import | Single select | Form |
L | Source Title | Creation Source title, where source type=”form” | Long text | Standard registration form |
M | Transaction Date Time | Date time transaction was made. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date | 2022-07-31 00:35 |
N | Charge Date | • For Facebook transactions: this corresponds directly to the “Charge date” (column K) in the Facebook transaction report, provided in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8). This data point is used by Facebook as the basis for its daily reporting, so we’ve added it to simplify reconciliation of Facebook income with Social Sync. • For Stripe or other payment provider transactions: their “Charge Date” will exactly match with the “Transaction Date Time” column, which are currently both provided in UK timezone (BST/UTC+1). ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD. | Date | 2022-07-31 |
O | Payout Date | The date the transaction was actually paid out. This corresponds with the transactions status being updated to "Reconciled". ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD. | Date | 2022-08-03 |
P | Transaction Status | Transaction status; Pending, Confirmed, Successful, Paid Out, Refund, Chargeback, Chargeback Reversal | Single select | Successful |
Q | Sender Currency | The currency of the transaction's sender | Short text | USD |
R | Sender Currency Transaction Amount | The amount of the transaction in the sender's currency | Number | 12.00 |
S | Currency | Localised (payout) currency of the transaction | Short text | GBP |
T | Transaction Amount | The amount of the transaction in the payout currency | Number | 10.00 |
U | Processor Fee | The fee applied by the payment processor | Number | 0.35 |
V | Payout Amount | Transaction amount less processor fee | Number | 9.65 |
W | Transaction Message | Message sent with transaction | Long text | Good luck with the fundraiser mate! |
X | Gift Aid | Transaction Gift Aid status | Boolean | TRUE |
Y | Gift Aid Declaration | Gift Aid declaration associated with transaction. Customisable text | Long text | I confirm I am a UK taxpayer |
Z | Gift Aid Amount | Sum of Gift Aid | Number | 2.5 |
AA | Gift Aid Status | Status of Gift Aid payment; Pending, Submitted, Rejected, Approved, Paid | Single select | Pending |
AB | Grand Total | The total of this transaction including Gift Aid | Number | 12.5 |
AC | Fundraiser Supporter ID | Unique Social Sync supporter ID of fundraiser owner | Number | 17252 |
AD | Fundraiser External ID | Unique external supporter ID of fundraiser owner | Short text |
AE | Fundraiser First Name | First name of fundraiser owner | Short text | Larry |
AF | Fundraiser Last Name | Last name of fundraiser owner | Short text | Draper |
AG | Fundraiser ID | Unique Social Sync fundraiser ID | Number |
AH | Platform Fundraiser ID | Unique platform fundraiser ID | Short text |
AI | Fundraiser Title | Title of fundraiser page | Long text | Help me Swim 50km in January for a good cause. |
AJ | Fundraiser Link | URL to fundraiser page | URL | |
AK | Fundraiser Registration ID | Unique Social Sync registration ID of fundraiser owner | Number | 25836 |
AL | Event ID | Unique Social Sync Event ID | Number | 145 |
AM | Event Type | Social Sync event type | Single select | Facebook challenge |
AN | Event Tite | Editable event title | Long text | Cycle 50 Miles in March |
AO | Event Code | Editable internal code 2 | Short text | CY50-MAR |
AP | Event External ID | The ID of an external event which is to be mapped to this campaign - e.g. JustGiving event ID | Short text | JG43671 |
AQ | Campaign ID | Unique Social Sync Campaign ID | Number | 521 |
AR | Campaign Type | Social Sync campaign type | Single select | Fundraising |
AS | Campaign Title | Editable campaign title | Long text | Cycle 50 Miles |
AT | Campaign Code | Editable internal code 1 | Short text | CY50 |
AU | Anonymous Transaction | Was the donation made privately? TRUE/FALSE. Donor data will still be collected, but not displayed to the public | Short text | FALSE |
AV | Supporter ID | Unique Social Sync supporter ID of transaction owner | Number | 58963 |
AW | External ID | Unique external supporter ID (of transaction owner) | Short text | 652143 |
AX | Title | Supporter title | Single select | Mr |
AY | First Name | Supporter first name | Short text | John |
AZ | Last Name | Supporter last name | Short text | Smith |
BA | Supporter email | |||
BB | Phone | Supporter phone number | Number | 07755 137572 |
BC | Meta Full Name | Supporter Meta full name | Short text | John Smith |
BD | Meta Email | Supporter Meta email | ||
BE | Address Line 1 | Primary address line 1 | Short text | 97 James Harbour Suite |
BF | Address Line 2 | Primary address line 2 | Short text | Promenade Street |
BG | City | Primary address city | Short text | Blackpool |
BH | County | Primary address county | Short text | Lancashire |
BI | Post Code | Primary address post code | Short text | LA29 5BP |
BJ | Country | Primary address country | Short text | United Kingdom |
BK | Email Consent | Marketing consent status | Boolean | TRUE |
BL | Email Statement | Statement associated with consent status | Long text | I would like to be kept up to date via: |
BM | Email Consent Date Time | Date/time consent status was updated. ISO format YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM | Date | 04/06/2022 22:33 |
BN | SMS Consent | Marketing consent status | Boolean | FALSE |
BO | SMS Statement | Statement associated with consent status | Long text |
BP | SMS Consent Date Time | Date/time consent status was updated. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date |
BQ | Whatsapp Consent | Marketing consent status | Boolean | FALSE |
BR | Whatsapp Statement | Statement associated with consent status | Long text |
BS | Whatsapp Consent Date Time | Date/time consent status was updated. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date |
BT | Phone Consent | Marketing consent status | Boolean | FALSE |
BU | Phone Statement | Statement associated with consent status | Long text |
BV | Phone Consent Date Time | Date/time consent status was updated. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date |
BW | Post Consent | Marketing consent status | Boolean | FALSE |
BX | Post Statement | Statement associated with consent status | Long text |
BY | Post Consent Date Time | Date/time consent status was updated. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date |
BZ | Last Modified | Date/time the record was last modified. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date | 23/06/2022 12:37 |
CA | Last Modified By | Who the record was modified by | Short text | Barry Stevenson |