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Export Changelog: V1.2 > V2.0

See, at a glance, what's changed with the latest export version update

Stuart Frank avatar
Written by Stuart Frank
Updated over a year ago

Here’s a list of changes made since v1.2:

Campaign Export

Column Additions:

Status (column E) - The current status of this campaign: Draft, Scheduled, Active, Ended, Archived

Column Removals:

Registration Opens Date (previously column E) - remove as this column belongs at the event level

Registration Close Date (previously column F) - remove as this column belongs at the event level

Event Start Date (previously column G) - remove as this column belongs at the event level

Event End Date (previously column H) - remove as this column belongs at the event level

Fundraiser End Date (previously column I) - remove as this column belongs at the event level

Column Label Updates:

No Column Labels updated

Column Reordering:

The order remains unchanged however the addition and removal of columns has impacted each column reference.

Event Export

Column Additions:

External Event ID (column E) - The ID of an external event which is to be mapped to this campaign - e.g. JustGiving event ID

Column Removals:

No columns removed

Column Label Updates:

No label changes

Column Reordering:

Columns reordered based on the above additions.

Campaign Registrations Export

Column Additions:

External Event ID (column K) - The ID of an external event which is to be mapped to this campaign - e.g. JustGiving event ID

Supporter Tags (column CA) - Comma separated list of all the supporter's supporter tags

Column Removals:

No columns removed

Column Label Updates:

No label changes

Column Reordering:

Columns reordered based on the above additions.

Fundraisers Export

Column Additions:

Fundraiser Reference (column J) - Secondary text area used by several platforms to store qualitative data

External Event ID (column Z) - The ID of an external event which is to be mapped to this campaign - e.g. JustGiving event ID

Supporter Tags (column AV) - Comma separated list of all the supporter's supporter tags

Column Removals:

No columns removed

Column Label Updates:

No label changes

Column Reordering:

Columns reordered based on the above additions.

Orders Export

No changes made


Column Additions:

Platform Reference (column D) - Unique source platform transaction ID

Processor Transaction ID (column F) - Unique payment processor transaction ID

Transaction Reference (column G) - Additional info for identifying transactions across platforms

Frequency (column I) - How frequently does this transaction occur: Single, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual

Payout Date (column O) - The date the transaction was actually paid out. This corresponds with the transactions status being updated to "Reconciled". ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD

Sender Currency (column Q) - The currency of the transaction's sender

Sender Currency Transaction Amount (column R) - The amount of the transaction in the sender's currency

Event External ID (column AP) - The ID of an external event which is to be mapped to this campaign - e.g. JustGiving event ID

Anonymous Transaction (column AU) - Was the donation made privately? TRUE/FALSE. Donor data will still be collected, but not displayed to the public.

Column Removals:

No columns removed

Column Label Updates:

No label changes

Column Reordering:

Platform (column Z > column B). Moved to the start of the file to allow quicker filtering by transaction source platform

Columns also reordered based on the above additions.

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