PLEASE NOTE: This page has been superseded by our current export specs available here. This page is a reference for historic export files only, prior to 29/09/23
An export sample file (Google Sheet) can be downloaded here
Column | Column Name | Column Description | Type | Data Sample |
A | Order ID | Unique Social Sync Order ID | Short text | 32674 |
B | Source ID | Creation source ID, where source type=”form” | Number | 119 |
C | Source Type | Creation source type. e.g. Form | API | Manual | Transaction import | Single select | Form |
D | Source Title | Creation Source title, where source type=”form” | Long text | Standard registration form |
E | Ordered | Date/time order was placed. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date | 07/12/2022 07:13 |
F | Order Status | Order status. New, Processed, Cancelled | Single select | Processed |
G | Status Modified By | Social Sync user who updated an order in case of manual update | Short text | John Hendry |
H | Batch ID | The ID of the order batch, ready for processing | Number | 127 |
I | Batched On | Date/time the order was assigned to a batch. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date | 15/12/2022 10:45 |
J | Batched By | Social Sync user who batched the order | Short text | John Hendry |
K | Registration ID | Unique Social Sync registration ID of the order owner | Number | 26594 |
L | Event ID | Unique Social Sync Event ID | Number | 145 |
M | Event Title | Editable event title | Long text | Cycle 50 Miles in March |
N | Event Code | Editable internal code 2 | Short text | CY50-MAR |
O | Campaign ID | Unique Social Sync Campaign ID | Number | 521 |
P | Campaign Title | Editable campaign title | Long text | Cycle 50 Miles |
Q | Campaign Code | Editable internal code 1 | Short text | CY50 |
R | Supporter ID | Unique Social Sync supporter ID | Number | 12345 |
S | Amount Raised | Sum of all transactions | Number | 300 |
T | Activity Sum | Sum of activity logged by by order owner | Number | 50 |
U | Title | Supporter title | Single select | Mr |
V | First Name | Supporter first name | Short text | John |
W | Last Name | Supporter last name | Short text | Smith |
X | Full Name | Supporter Full Name, useful for shipping labels | Short text | John Smith |
Y | Supporter email | |||
Z | Phone | Supporter phone number | Number | 07755 137572 |
AA | Address Line 1 | Primary address line 1 | Short text | 97 James Harbour Suite |
AB | Address Line 2 | Primary address line 2 | Short text | Promenade Street |
AC | City | Primary address city | Short text | Blackpool |
AD | County | Primary address county | Short text | Lancashire |
AE | Post Code | Primary address post code | Short text | LA29 5BP |
AF | Country | Primary address country | Short text | United Kingdom |
AG | Item Type | Item type of most recent merchandise order | Single select | T-shirt |
AH | Item Fit | Item fit of most recent merchandise order | Single select | Male |
AI | Item Size | Item size of most recent merchandise order | Single select | L |
AJ | Item Colour | Item colour of most recent merchandise order | Single select | Red |
AK | Last Modified | Date/time the record was last modified. ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | Date | 23/06/2022 12:37 |
AL | Last Modified By | Who the record was modified by | Short text | Barry Stevenson |